Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day #4 - 30 Days to a Simpler Life

It's day 4 of the 30 Days to a Simpler Life challenge.

Challenge 4 - A Serene Bedroom

Part 1 - edit sheets and pillowcases

Piece of cake! I just cleaned out the linen closet a few months back. Truthfully I have two sets of sheets for each mattress in the house, 2 sets of twin sheets for our 2 air mattresses, and two extra old flat sheets that can be used for tents or catching messes when needed. Editing finished after just looking in the closet.

Part 2 - create a tranquil bedroom

We have no tv - check

We have no dresser only 2 chests of drawers - check

The wall only has 1 large and 1 small picture plus a calendar - I don't see the need to reduce these.

The bed has very few items under it. I did remove an empty shoebox and a calendar that I found under there. The puzzles (500-1000 piece) stay because Henry hasn't found them in that location.

I cleaned off my bedside table, the small table with the phone, and most of the top of my chest of drawers. It's not perfectly done, but it was certainly an improvement.

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